Leak Testing Solutions for the Automotive Industry

Evolving Product Assembly Lines

Automotive lighting components have evolved into very technical and large products over the years. These components are typically always leak tested at the end of the assembly process to ensure that the housing will not leak and allow water or dust contaminates to ingress and cause electronic failures.

Production lines often run at a rate of 1-2 parts per minute. A common drawback to the leak testing station is larger sized (internal volume) head lamps can take up to 30 to 60 seconds to repeatably test. This can sometimes require the leak test station to have two leak testers and dual tooling which makes the station costs increase dramatically.

Manufactures will often try to shorten the leak test cycle time to keep up with the production rates which in turn causes false failures and unnecessary retesting of products because the repeatability of the leak test is not acceptable at the shortened cycle time. The key to this problem is the ability to repeatably leak test the components in the shortest amount of time. Reject any leaking assemblies, and ensure that false rejects (parts considered to leak by the leak test instrument that don’t actually leak) are prevented.

Fastest and most repeatable

LeakMaster has worked with leading Automotive Lighting manufactures to develop the fastest and most repeatable leak testing instrument for testing lighting components. This development has led to the creation of the LeakMaster UltraFlow V3 leak testing instrument.

The UltraFlow V3 instrument has a patent pending pneumatic design that delivers air to the part faster, stabilizes the part faster, and repeatably tests components at a rate faster than ever thought possible.


The 64 bit CPU monitors the pressure and flow sensors at a blazing 1000 reads per second. The UltraFlow V3 leak tester functions as a Mass Flow or Pressure Decay leak test instrument. The V3 is also capable of occlusion testing as well, to check for blocked or flashed openings. The typical leak testing cycle time for a head lamp is 15-30 seconds depending upon the internal volume of a part being tested.

LeakMaster has done side by side studies against competing leak test manufactures and have won the cycle time battle by 20-50%! We have not only taken cycle time to an unheard of level, but also eliminated false rejects at the same time!

There simply is no faster way to leak test automotive lighting components!

Contact us today to discuss your leak testing application.